Saturday, 31 October 2009

October Goal in the Bag

Well, I set out to complete 300 SnGs this month and I can tell you that it was hard work for me. Never ever have I played so much and was very worried half way through the month that I would not meet the target. However, with Wednesday off this week, I managed to complete the task on schedule. See graph below.

Now the profit was a little less then expected but a win is a win and I am no professional. With $81 profit for the month at an ROI of 7.94 is OK but my life time in these are 12% over a small sample size. Hopefully, I can improve in the month of November where I will be pushing more volume maybe 400???

Good luck at the tables!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

First Poker Blog

Hi All

I decided that it was in my interest to set goals within Poker like I have at the gym. It will keep me focused on the task in hand. Since I have decided that the goal would be realistic since I have a "normal" day job which keeps me busy. So details of the goal are below:

Goal: Complete 300 SnG at $3.40 level
Start Date: 1 Oct 09
End Date: 31 Oct 09

Now this may not seem like much to you grinders and hardcore poker players but I have never managed to play more than 200 month. Also, I have 24" monitor that allows me to play 6 decent sized tables in tiled mode (preferred mode of mulit-tabling) or 9 really small ones (which may have to be done if i fall behind).

Good luck at the tables!